A-Bomb and ...

Eating contests and Eating challenges around Kona & Denver

Hunger for the Great Light

A big fan sent me a letter! He called the day the article ran, and then he sent this letter.

Text says:

What's the deal with the Paris Hilton-Three Stooges bit?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWESOME! You disgusting pig, you! Mind if I post this on my blog? This is good stuff!

In the words of the "Paris Stooges": "Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk...I'm a dirty whore!"

By the way, good catch on the article. Pat with his hair down is a sight we don't see too often.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, wait. What's this "phone call"? This dude called you? What did he say? And how did he track you down?

Blogger A-Bomb said...

Munch - yeah, Pat could not bring his hair gel on the plane. I for one feel so much safer for the TSA rules, and the whole WAR ON TERROR against those pesky Islamofascists. Thanks, W. Right. Your "Paris Stooges" line is one of the funniest things I've read all week!! Oh, and I'll tell you how he tracked me down - I'll call you and tell you. (717) 438-XXXX, right? What did Al Gore spawn in inventing this internet?!?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, that's my dad's number. Mine's (717) 649-X9X5 (the first X equals your DMB seat number on 9/12 and the second X equals Brent Curtis's nickname).

My efforts at cryptology are lame, I know. I'll be out of cell range between noon Saturday and noon Sunday, but I'm looking forward to hearing how this guy found you!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh wait. I get it now...you explained how he tracked you down by finding my number on the internet. I'm a dumbass.

Sorry, it's been a long week.

Blogger A-Bomb said...

That's alright, MM! We've all had weeks like the one you had. It's scary though what's out there. I got Papa Munch's phone number in just a sec, and a few more searches would probably lead someone to find out stuff about you that you don't even know about!!

Blogger steakbellie said...

Skinny Boy,
I cant believe this dope wasted your time with a phone call and a letter. I'm glad you have a sense of humor about all of this, I'd have to go talk to him in person about it, especially with his address on the stationary. Try not to be so sinful my friend, I'll see you soon enough on the circut!

Blogger steakbellie said...

Must be the same HARD UP guy who tried to get 'Ladies Night' banned from all bars in Colorado...check the name on this article


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's another link to "Ladies Night," if it's the right guy...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Andrew after the next contest you collect up all of the scraps and mail them to this A$$hole. This guy is a complete jerk.

Blogger Erik "the Red" Denmark said...

Hey Skinnyboy. Hate mail is almost as flattering as fan mail so you should be proud. Every blow hard cynic is looking for someone or something to blame the worlds ills on. Competitive eating is not the place to start, not if you take in to consideration the quality of the people that are involved and the communities we support.

Blogger steakbellie said...

I read a bunch of them and was heartbroken, that people could be so cruel and heartless about their fellow man...and in the name of God no less!

This guy's a wacko.....


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