A-Bomb and ...

Eating contests and Eating challenges around Kona & Denver

An' Another Thing

In the past couple of days I've been asked more times than usually "how do you stay in shape" or "how do you stay skinny" or something else along those lines. I am sure a lot of us get that every now and then. Here's a clue:

I got back around 11:30 Saturday night. I was at 24 Hour by 7:45 Sunday morning. It's really a very simple equation. To be sure, that I've been working out since I was 10 has much to do with it. But also eating well. Eat breakfast every day. If you don't you'll be sunk. Get off the couch. You can relax when you're dead. Life is too short. Just Do It.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're hardcore, man. Hats off to you. I'm trying to get into the gym more often and do more weight training at home (you know..."more muscle burns more calories").


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