A-Bomb and ...

Eating contests and Eating challenges around Kona & Denver

Big House...

T-scomubone and I went down to finish off the fence. Well, some rain and darkness got in the way of finishing it totally, but we have maybe a day of stuff remaining to complete the fence for Honey & Max...



The opening is for the gate. That's for next time.



Pickets only on the front and part of the back. Mainly so the dogs can't see out at stuff.

The side from the street now:

The appliances were delivered, so now the only thing remaining from it really feeling like a house is getting installed Tuesday: cable, digital phone, and ... internet service. [Nerd alert: the cable internet is 8Mbps DOWN and 2Mbps UP. On a good day the DSL in Aurora gets 1Mbps down so 8Mbps will kick ass!].

So from our original list of things to do before T starts classes, only the finishing work on the fence remains. Oh, and changing the locks on the front & back doors. And two things to have done before winter: install gutters on E & W sides (N & S have them?!?) and new windows. And one thing on the list of whenever-it-happens: rip up the new carpeting and lay down wood floors. To the god damned yard and trees and weeds all I can say is "SEE YOU IN HELL".



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