Only in Hawai'i
I went to Hawai'i for a few days - T-bonz had already been there for a couple of days so she scoped this out - and went to McDonald's to try something you will only find at a McDonald's in Hawai'i. Check out the photo of the drive-thru menu and you'll see it...
The McTeri burger. Deluxe or Double Deluxe. I ordered up two - ahem - doubles. One for action photos on location, and the other for study back at the condo. Christmas at McDonald's in Hawai'i. Doesn't get any better than that!
The burger is not bad but it is nothing particularly mind-blowing. Good crispy lettuce, and a surprisingly fresh tomato. Two all-beef patties. And a healthy dollop of Kikkoman teriyaki sauce.
Below is right after I took a digger and bruised my coccyx. But I did save the McTeri Double Deluxe Burger.
Here's the other one. Looks good!
Taking it apart yielded something very surprising, and to me very disturbing.
Mayo. I hate mayo. What is it good for? Absolutely nothing. Say it again. When I downed the double previously I did not taste the stuff. Was there none on the other burger? Did the teri sauce cover up the mayo? With my sensitive palate I'm shocked I didn't notice.
Needless to say I scraped this sh*t off. Some white onions were mixed in so I tried to save some of the less-mayoed pieces.
As tasty as the other.
Actually I think it tasted better this time because I know for sure that I didn't ingest any mayo. Yes, there was some residue on the onions but no more.
I have since found out that McDonald's in Hawai'i have another item on their menu that you'll only find there and in Asia. A taro pie. Next time!
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