A-Bomb and ...

Eating contests and Eating challenges around Kona & Denver

Study the Dogs

After getting the boxes of dogs back, where to put them?

Honey is trapped

Here's the fridge with some room

Another fridge pic

And another

Had to put some in the freezer too

Freezer again

Here is a close-up of one broken in half

Weigh one of them

I have a cold so I just did two dogs tonight to see how the casing is. It does add something to eating them with any speed. I've heard it called "they snap". And they do. Later.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice! What are you going to do with all of the dogs that you are going to get when you win your qualifier?

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool!! More hot dogs if you win a qualifier?! Yum!!!!! Can't get enough of them dogz!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you ever going to eat 800 hot dogs?

Blogger A-Bomb said...

I'm stocking up so when Hot Dog Helper finally makes it to the market I'll be set!

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Let's have a HUGE BBQ with some of those dogz! YUMMMMMY :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skinnyboy I'm really getting a good feetling about this you are really doing your home work. Practicing with the real deal will make a major diffrence believe me. I freaked after practicing with Oscar Myers then eating Nathans at the contest. Good luck stay focused on the Pizza if you can eat that then Nathans is a cake walk. Go in with the attitude you can eat the whole thing by yourself and you will remember your a PRO. Mind over matter Andrew, you don't mind so it doesn't matter and we all want pictures of the empty pan at the end.


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