All Aboard!

Talking to Mr. Alesi I learned of the megabus. Unfortunately it does not serve Denver, but if it did I'd be all over this. You should be too if it services your area (mainly northeast, some midwest, and some California routes). You know I'm all for mass transit, and with gas going where it is going you people should learn to love it or learn to love not going anywhere. Check out the megabus.
Thanks, Andrew. I decided this is how I'm getting to Shea Stadium on June 14th. $8.50 round trip!
Right on, Bill! 8.50, damn, there is no way to beat that!!
Try hitch hiking. You'll find no shortage of friendly New Yorkers willing to pick you up and give a ride to where ever you need to go!
Dave you have all the great ideas!!
Ha Ha Ha Shea stadium will cost me a whopping $4 round trip cant beat that!
awesome, brian, awesome!
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