I went to take custody of the twins last night, and we went to get some dinner. Me, T-bonz, and an as-of-yet-un-nicknamed-eater-who-for-now-we-will-call-her-Sweet-Tooth. We went back to Red, Hot, & Blue for some Memphis-style BBQ. I know I already profiled this place a while ago, but this place kicks enough ass to warrant a second mention.
The service sucked. The place was dead at 7pm. But look:
A 1/2-pound patty, topped with pulled pork, shredded cheese, crispy lettuce, and fresh tomato. Patty with pulled pork on top. The only negative is the bun: onion roll. Tasty, yes, but not substantial enough for the juices this burger sloughs off. The buns is at first OK, but then quickly sogs and begins to crack and fall apart.
Very delicious. It's not "All-In" in my book, but it is a good start.
hey , where is this red hot and blue bbq joint ( anything with two pigs playing guitar and ribs inside cant be too bad ). um guaps is getting hungry just lookin at the pics. what in the world did tbonz eat? salad w/ no dressing ( SO SAD!!) men need meat!!!! get busy living or get busy dying - DAMN RIGHT! G-RAB
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